Rabu, 16 November 2011

English Oratary

بسم الله الر حمن الر حيم
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarkaatuh..
A very good morning to my good fellows or collegues, especially to our beloved teacher Ustazah Hjh Falilnesa..
I would like to share some interesting fact about the Quran.. Actually there is many interesting fact about the Quran.. but here, in my presentation I just share a few of it.. 
First of all, for all Muslim The Quran stands as the definitive word of Allah, spoken to the prophet of Muhammad (SAW) by the angel Gabriel/jibril.. And Allah was pledged to protect this divine book until the world here after..
 What is the interesting fact about this divine book.. ok, here it is:-
1.     The quran is the only ancient scripture that has remained 100% intact and unchanged for over the past 1400 years..
All specialist in literature or linguistic especially in Arabic language admit that Quran was the greatest literary work in classical Arabic and no human can match it or even all the human and the genie gathered to made one of it.. For sure their cant..
2.     About the verse.. Did someone realize that there is a lot of  palindrome   inside the Quran..???
Palindrome means ‘a word or phrase that reads the same backward as forward’..
I give some example in English.. SOS, DEED, NEVER ODD OR EVEN and many more..
Inside the Quran:

وربك فكبر......(al-muddatsir verse 3)
 كل في فلك...... (al-anbiyaa verse 33)
And a lot more.. For those who was expert in linguistic know that this palindrome is not easy to create.. Many things have to be concern especially and the most important thing is it has to be read the same forward as backwards..
Uniquely there is a lot of palindrome inside the Quran and it has a very beautiful meaning too..
This proven that the Quran is not made by our prophet Muhammad (SAW) because as we know that our prophet cannot read and not even know how to  write.. Subahanallah..
3.     Next.. the word “day” that is (yawm) in arabic, is repeated 365 times in singular form, while in plural and dual forms “days” (alyawm and yawmayn) together repeated 30 times.. And the number of repetations of the word “month” (shahr) is repeated 12 times..
4.     Than.. Did someone know what is the name of an animal that been slandered inside the Quran?
Ok.. The answer is wolf.. It was mentioned inside the Quran from the story of our prophet Joseph alaihi salam.. I’m sure all of u already knows about the story.. The brother tells to their father that Joseph was eaten by a wolf..

I think that’s all from me.. Thank you for listening.. May Allah bless us and brightens our heart with the nuur of Quran.. Amiin..
Wallahua’lam Bissawab..
Wabillahittaufiq Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarkaatuh.. 

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